TX 1320 M3

HBA – Linksammlung

Backup Lösungen

Setting up Bacula for daily backups involves several steps, including configuring the Director, the File Daemon (FD), the Storage Daemon (SD), and scheduling the backups. Here’s a basic outline of the process:

  1. Install Bacula: Make sure you have Bacula installed on the system that will act as the backup server and on any clients you wish to backup.
  2. Configure the Director: The Bacula Director is the control program that monitors all backup, restore, verify, and archive operations. Configure the bacula-dir.conf file to define your file sets (what you want to backup), job definitions (how and when backups should run), schedules, and storage destinations.
  3. Set Up the File Daemon: On each client that needs to be backed up, configure the bacula-fd.conf file. This daemon is responsible for sending the data to be backed up to the Storage Daemon.
  4. Configure the Storage Daemon: On the server where backups will be stored, set up the bacula-sd.conf file. This daemon performs read and write operations to your backup storage media on behalf of the Director.
  5. Define Schedules: In the Director configuration, define schedules to automate the backup process. You’ll want to create a daily schedule that specifies when the backup jobs should run.
  6. Test Your Setup: Before relying on Bacula for your backups, run some test jobs to ensure that everything is configured correctly and that backups are running as expected.
  7. Monitor and Maintain: Regularly check the backup logs for any errors or issues, and periodically test your backups by performing restore operations.

Here’s a basic example of what a daily schedule might look like in the Director configuration:

This configuration would run a full backup every day at 22:00 (10 PM).

Remember, Bacula is a complex tool with many options and configurations. The specifics of your setup will depend on your environment and your backup needs. It’s highly recommended to refer to the Bacula documentation for detailed instructions and advanced configurations.

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Fehlermeldung es würde keine php Version >7.4 unterstützt

Dann Fehelrmeldung Memory_limit erreicht.

cd /opt/plesk/php/7.4/etc/
cat php.ini | grep memory_limit
nano php.ini

128M -> 512M

sudo -u www-user /opt/plesk/php/7.4/bin/php updater/updater.phar

mehrfach hintereinander ausführen  bis die Meldung “No update available” erscheint

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